Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mount Nebo, Jordan in Pictures(3)

But the best part of Mount Nebo is its incredible viewpoint of Jordan, Israel and the West Bank. From the top of Mount Nebo you have an expansive view of the surrounding area—from Jericho and Jerusalem to the Jordan Valley in the north. Jerusalem isn’t very far from here—only 40 km—and on a clear day the Mount of Olives (in Western Jerusalem) is clearly visible.From Mount Nebo it’s also possible to see the very northern tip of the Dead Sea. The brown, rolling hills of the surrounding valleys are an incredible sight to behold. Especially when you think of how old the place is and its historical (and biblical) significance. There’s not much to see at Mount Nebo, but the view alone makes it worth a stop. It’s a great place for an overview of the biblical history of Jordan.

To stand on Mt.Nebo where Moses once stood, and see all these historically important places…it was a nice and pleasing feeling. And thankfully, it was a bright and sunny day when we visited Mount Nebo so we were able to catch a glimpse of Jerusalem and Jericho over in the West Bank.

Standing on Mount Nebo you get a much better picture of the Middle Eastern region and it’s a nice way to see the incredible landscape Jordan has to offer.

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